ConvEGGtor® - XL

ConvEGGtor® - XL


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The convEGGtor – Indirect Convection Cooking on the Big Green Egg.

Conveggtor™ is a ceramic heat deflector that protects food from direct contact with the heat source. This is the ideal way to prepare all kinds of baked dishes, cook delicate ingredients or cook at low temperatures.

SWAPS IN AND OUT WITH EASE: Simply place your ConvEGGtor onto your Fire Ring before you cook to turn your EGG into a convection-style oven. Take it out again to go back to a traditional barbecue.

TOUGH CERAMICS: Like the Big Green Eggs, the ConvEGGtor is made from patented NASA-grade ceramics. Built to last.

The Big Green Egg is designed to work as a complete outdoor cooking system, producing unrivaled results whether grilling, roasting, smoking or baking – and nothing contributes more to the versatility of your EGG than adding a convEGGtor to your EGGcessories collection.

The convEGGtor is designed to facilitate indirect cooking on the Big Green Egg by providing a heat-directing barrier between the food and the fire, instantly transforming your EGG into an outdoor convection oven. The design of the convEGGtor, in conjunction with the thermal properties of the EGG, allows heat to efficiently radiate within the dome while preventing the flames and heat from over-cooking the food.

In the mood for a perfect pizzeria style pizza? You can bake and roast your way to culinary perfection with indirect heat using the convEGGtor and our pizza/baking stones. How about some Low and Slow BBQ? When using the convEGGtor for low temp cooks with natural wood chips or chunks, the smoke-infused air circulates around yourbriskets, roast or ribs … resulting in juicy, delicious and aromatic meats and poultry. And, the convEGGtor is the secret ingredient for amazing holiday turkey,hams and roasts of any kind!

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